Bilingual Legends

335 - The Brave Young Twin


2/23/20242 min read

The Brave Young Twin

is currently available in 2 editions:

English & Ganda

German & Ganda

Click on a cover to buy the book.

Cover of Bilingual Legends 335 The Brave Young TwinCover of Bilingual Legends 335 The Brave Young Twin
German cover of Bilingual Legends 335German cover of Bilingual Legends 335

Der mutige junge Zwilling

ist derzeit in 2 Ausgaben erhältlich:

Englisch & Luganda

Deutsch & Luganda

Klicken Sie auf ein Cover, um das Buch zu kaufen.

Jessy's Reflection

When Westerners think of Africa, they think of the 'dark continent' of which little to nothing was known before modern times. But that entirely overlooks oral traditions. Especially south of the Sahara, storytellers play an important role in society. They are the keepers of memory, the mouth through which the spirits of a culture's ancestors still speak. They are not merely entertainers, but a vital link with the past that nourishes the souls of the young today.

Sadly, this book was written in a hurry after other plans weren't coming together. I'd set myself a target and didn't want to fall short. As a result, I can't say this is one of the better books in the series. I rushed it, and now I have to live with that. Nonetheless, it does tell the story of an important part of Uganda's early history. It should have focused more on the significance of being a twin. As it stands, perhaps it could serve as a launchpad for a class discussion on how one sibling can end up overshadowed by another.

As one of the few former German colonies, I decided to release another edition of this book in Luganda and German too. After all, not many books are designed to bridge the gap between those two cultures.

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