Bilingual Legends

525 - A Royal Secret


1/25/20252 min read

A Royal Secret

is currently available in 2 editions:

English & Gàidhlig

Spanish & Scots Gaelic

Click on a cover to buy the book.

Cover of Biligual Legends 525 A Royal SecretCover of Biligual Legends 525 A Royal Secret
Cover of Bilingual Legends 525 Spanish editionCover of Bilingual Legends 525 Spanish edition

Un Secreto Real

está disponible actualmente en 2 ediciones:

Inglés y Gaélico Escocés

Español y Gaélico Escocés

Haga clic en una portada para comprar el libro.

Jessy's Reflection

Who would dare turn a royal scandal into a children's book? Anyone who knows this legend turns an eye when they hear about it. But for generations of yore, and folk music fans, tales like this are just par for the course.

Some think this story isn't suitable for children. I beg to disagree. This is a story of forgiveness. It is about doing the right thing by acknowledging past wrongs, and letting them go, so everyone can move on to happier times. Besides, any child with a younger sibling should at least have some idea what it's about even if the details fly over their head.

Susa is one of the few artists who have voluntarily illustrated behind the text. The grace his style lends to each scene is a reward in itself. He's relaxed to work with and we enjoy chatting about philosophy together.

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