Bilingual Legends

654 - War & Order


3/24/20232 min read

War & Order

is currently available in 2 editions:

English & Assyrian Neo-Aramaic (Suret)

Spanish & Assyrian Neo-Aramaic (Suret)

Click on a cover to buy the book.

Bilingual Legends 654 War & Order cover (Aramaic Suret)Bilingual Legends 654 War & Order cover (Aramaic Suret)
Cover 654 Spanish & Assyrian Neo-Aramaic Suret Guerra y OrdenCover 654 Spanish & Assyrian Neo-Aramaic Suret Guerra y Orden

Guerra y Orden

está disponible actualmente en 2 ediciones:

Inglés y Neoarameo Asirio

Español y Neoarameo Asirio

Haga clic en una portada para comprar el libro.

Jessy's Reflection

I published this book in Assyrian Neo-Aramaic (Suret) because I thought releasing it in Sumerian would be pointless. Who would buy a children's book in a dead language? In hindsight, with linguistic revival movements gaining traction and an ever increasing interest in ancient languages, I wonder whether that was really a good idea. Nonetheless, as a minority community even in their homeland, I hope the Assyrian community may have benefited from the availability of this text.

Interest in history is typically more prominent amongst boys than it is amongst girls. Thus Tanaka's darker illustration style imbues the book with a serious manly tone which certain mothers may find off-putting. The story's direct conflicts and underhanded political deals are provide eye-opening introductions to the feuds of the adult world. Just how far back in time do some anymosities have their roots? For how long can grudges be held before a path to healing opens?

Hammurabi taught the world an important lesson. How many more do we, human society, still have to learn today? Those who died fighting Hammurabi's wars are long forgotten. Was their sacrifice in vain? Or was there a greater purpose to it, one they never even thought of?

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